17 iPhone X Tips And Tricks You Should Know About

 Since the iPhone X is more high-tech than the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, it has received substantially more demand than other smartphones. Apple actually released the iPhone X on November 3, 2017 and the wait time for receiving orders has been weeks so far.

Many of the iPhone X features are intuitive, but a number of them are not quite as obvious. Here are 18 iPhone X tips and tricks you should know about:

1.) Activate Siri By Pushing Down Side Button

Activate Siri on the iPhone X


Activating the Siri digital assistant on the iPhone X is as simple as pushing down the side button on the right-hand side of the device.

2.) Double Tap The Side Button For Apple Pay

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Double click the Side Button to open up Apple Pay


When you double-click the side button on the right-hand side of the device, it will open up Apple Pay. This makes it easier for you to pay bills without having to take your debit or credit card out of your wallet.

3.) Home Indicator Opens The App Switcher

Without a physical Home button, Apple added a Home indicator at the bottom of the screen. The Home indicator is used for unlocking the device and for activating the app switcher. To activate the app switcher, you have to drag the opened app with your finger from the Home indicator to towards the right of the screen. Then you will see all of the opened apps lined up in order to switch between them easier:

The Home indicator opens the app switcher on the iPhone X


4.) Swipe The Bottom Edge To Return Home

Swipe up from the bottom edge to return home


The Home indicator line is also used for going back to the home screen when you have an app open. And swiping from the bottom edge while on the Home screen will take you back to page one — which comes in handy if you have multiple app icon pages.

5.) Swipe Left Or Right To Switch Between Recent Apps

Switch between recent apps


One of the easiest ways to switch between recently opened apps is to swipe left or right on the Home indicator line.

6.) Swipe From The “Left Ear” For Cover Sheet


Swipe down from the left ear for the "Cover Sheet."


When you swipe down from the “left ear” (the area to the left of the notch) at the top of the iPhone X, it will show the “Cover Sheet.” The Cover Sheet used to be known as the Notification Center.  

7.) Swipe From The “Right Ear” For Control Center


Swipe from the "right ear" of the iPhone X to load the Control Center


When you swipe down from the “right ear” (the area to the right of the notch) at the top of the iPhone X, it will show the Control Center. You can also customize the Control Center under the Settings app > Control Center > Customize Controls. Note: This is how you can see the battery life that is left on your iPhone X as well.

8.) Power Off/Medical ID/Emergency Call With The iPhone X

Power off the iPhone X


To power off, pull up the Medical ID or make an emergency call with the iPhone X, you will need to hold the side button and either of the volume buttons at the same time. And then slide to power the device off, pull up the Medical ID or make an emergency call.

9.) Set Up Animoji

Create custom animated emoji known as Animoji


You can create custom animated messages (known as Animoji) with your facial expressions using the Face ID facial recognition system built into the front of the iPhone X by going into a message, tapping on the App Store icon and then tapping on the icon of a monkey with its mouth open. Then scroll to choose an Animoji and touch and hold the red record icon or tap on the Animoji to send an animated photo. Animoji videos can be recorded for up to 110 seconds and sent through iMessage.

10.) Close Apps That Are Open

Close apps that are open on the iPhone X


In order to close apps that are open on the iPhone X, you will need to activate the App Switcher by swiping from the Home Indicator at the bottom and dragging the app over to the right. Then push down on an app for a few seconds until you see a red button at the top of each app card. Then you can slide up on the app just like you would on other iPhones or tap on the red button to close the app. This comes in handy if you want to close an app running in the background such as a streaming music app or a GPS app.

11.) Take A Screenshot With The iPhone X

Taking a screenshot with the iPhone X


If you want to take a screenshot on the iPhone X, then you simply have to tap on the side button and the top volume button.

12.) Force Reset Your iPhone X

Force reset the iPhone X


In case you want to do a hard reset on your iPhone X, there are three steps: 1.) tap and release the volume up button 2.) tap and release the volume down button 3.) hold down the side button on the right-hand button for a few seconds until you notice the device restart and show the Apple logo that appears when the power is turned on.

13.) Record 4K Videos At 60 fps

Record video at 4K at 60 fps


By default, the iPhone X is set to record 4K videos at 30 fps. However, you can set it to record at 60 fps to ensure a higher and smoother resolution. This setting is found under the Settings app > Camera > Record Video.

14.) Turn ‘Tap To Wake’ On Or Off

Tap to Wake toggle on the iPhone X


By default, the iPhone X has the “Tap To Wake” function on. This means that the lock screen will appear when you tap on the screen. If you do not want this feature to be activated, then you can turn it off by going to the Settings app > General > Accessibility > Toggle off “Tap To Wake.”

15.) Tap On ‘Done’ After Moving Around Or Deleting Apps

The "Done" button that appears at the top-right of the iPhone X


On other iPhones, you normally have to push down on an icon until it wiggles to move around or delete apps from the Home screen. And then tapping on the Home button turns off the app icon edit mode.

On the iPhone X, you also have to push down on an app icon to move around or delete them. But Apple added a “Done” button at the top right of the screen of the iPhone X in the edit mode for when you are done moving around or deleting apps.

16.) ‘Zoom To Fill’ The YouTube App

Full screen YouTube on the iPhone X


To fully utilize the larger 5.8-inch screen on the iPhone X, you can zoom into videos in the YouTube app. To zoom in and out of videos, you simply need to pinch-to-zoom gesture while in full-screen landscape mode. When you are zoomed in, the YouTube video will say “Zoomed to fill” at the top. And when you zoom back out, it will say “Original.”

17.) Additional Face ID Controls

Face ID settings


There are additional Face ID controls under the Settings app > Face ID & Passcode. For example, the “Require Attention for Face ID” will require users to look directly at the front-facing camera to unlock the device. This could prevent someone from unlocking your device after they point it at you while you are sleeping.

And you can also toggle “Attention Aware Features” on or off — which essentially controls whether your alarm clock alert will fade out and the display will dim once you pick up your iPhone X and look at it after waking up.


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